A gift to complete the nursery…
Back in October, I bought L an antique Stickley Brothers rocking chair, circa 1910. I purchased the chair at a gallery in St. Paul, MN while traveling on business. It arrived in Florida in early December, and I managed to hide the chair until its unveiling in the nursery on Christmas morning. I really wanted this to be a touching surprise, which I think it turned out to be (yes, L cried).

I don’t like much the gliders available at stores, such as Babies ‘r Us. They’re not very appealing visually and don’t seem to be especially well made. I think of those gliders as “throw away” furniture that we simply wouldn’t keep once it lived out its all-to-brief usefulness (or simply fell apart).
In contrast, I think the antique rocker gives the nursery real character. And, it’s kind of cool for Emerson to use a rocking chair that’s almost a century older than her. Indeed, the chair is old enough that her great-grandfather could have been rocked in at as a baby!
We hope that the chair will stay in the family and be used by future generations.
2 responses so far
The chair is beautiful and has tons of character and history. Any girl would be lucky to have it! And it provides a great educational opportunity (history) as well as exposing her to your love of antiques…win-win.
Hi Paul-
Haven’t checked in for a while–dead computer, lost bookmarks, ugh. Glad to hear that things are going well on the pregnancy front. The chair is absolutely beautiful! Nice choice–you’re right, the “classic” rocker/recliners aren’t terribly durable. I also just love the baby’s name…unique and pretty. Can’t wait to “meet” her!
Wow! You’re creeping up on 36 weeks–almost time! Best of luck to both of you….it’s a wonderful and exhausting time when you have a new baby, for sure.