Cold? Swine Flu? Who knows?
Before we left for vacation a couple of weeks ago, L felt like she was getting sick and decided to stay home for a day and rest. She was lucky and able to shake the bug. I managed to pick it up too, but I fought it off during our cruise and thought I had it licked too.
Unfortunately, I was wrong. It came back with a vengeance last week while I was traveling, and it really hit me over the weekend. I’m honestly not sure if it was just a bad cold (possible as I didn’t have a fever), some “regular” variant of the flu (possible as it seemed worse than a regular cold), or a full blown case of “bacon lung” (possible because I’ve read that you can have pork-itosis without having a fever). It seems that doctors have largely stopped testing to confirm cases of the swine flu, as long as you’re doing ok.

Of course, there are numerous media reports about how dangerous the swine flu is for pregnant women. Great! So, we’ve been trying to keep the house and me disinfected while I’ve battled this thing off. I’m (finally!) starting to feel a good deal better, but I’m not 100% yet. I’m hoping to be back into normal form by the weekend (as last weekend was a washout and we’ve got stuff to do). We also had to cancel dinner plans with some good friends, which we’ll need to reschedule for later this month as well.
2 responses so far
Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well! Perhaps if you insisted the doctors would test, considering the pregnant woman in the house? Or maybe it is just a bad summer cold. PB and my brother and my MIL have all had bad summer colds in the past few weeks. Seems to be going around. Lots of fluids and rest! Hope you feel better soon
There’s a nasty summer cold going around the Northeast…I hope that’s all this turns out to be. I had four colds in four months in early pg…sucky, but harmless.
Hope you start feeling better pronto.