I’m a horrible blogger…
I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m just a horrible blogger. I have three reasons:
1. I fail to write regularly.
2. I fail to even check my blog and respond to comments regularly.
3. I can’t even seem to report the “news” about related areas of my life.
It’s all very shameful. I should do better.
In my defense, I’ve become increasingly consumed with work since my promotion in July. I’m not complaining. I’m really happy doing what I do. But, it does distract me from other interests, especially as I usually end the day fulfilled in terms of doing work in my headspace (reading, writing, thinking).
Anyway, I apologize to my loyal readers (all two of you). I’d promise to do better, but I’d hate to lie.
P.S. All is well in babyland… the girls (Libby and the baby) are doing well.
4 responses so far
Hey! It’s called having a life, and you get to do just that!
I had a nice natural birth last time, with a baby 2 lbs. larger…this time Pitocin made me want to poke my eyes out, so I got an epidural at 3 cm. One hour later, WHAM!…here Matthew came. Didn’t expect that!
Glad to hear that Libby and baby Libby are doing well…wow. 23 weeks already.
Our ICSI miracle arrived safely, after an induction for high BP at 38 weeks. Ow! Everything went well, except for 2 minutes of scary bradycardia on his way out…but he seems to be none the worse for wear.
Anyway, I’ve always said that you don’t get a medal for natural childbirth, so I’m thrilled with the outcome. My lone top-quality embryo is sleeping in his bassinet– just wait, it’s awesome.
Can’t believe you’re rocketing toward the third trimester already! Write what you can, when you can, and don’t worry about how often that actually occurs. Congrats on the promotion, too…only makes you busier, I’m sure!
I have to ditto what Julia said. Write what you can when you can, and we’ll eat it up all the more. Love to hear how things are going, and that L and the baby are doing well, but we can take the wait. Makes me savor the posts that much more.
So I came across your blog yesterday, and it was heaven sent. I started reading from day 1 today. We just had our transfer yesterday of 2 embryos. I had 21 eggs retrieved and only 6 fertilize. After reading your 28% I chose to do the math, and I was at 28% as well. I have been trying for 3 years and they couldn’t find anything wrong with us. So this was eye opening to realize it more then likely has to do with conflicts between his sperm and my eggs. We also chose to do ICSI, thinking we wanted the best chances. Ok off to read more then I’ll continue. So I have now finished my reading of your blog today. I very much appreciate a mans point of view. And you are an easy read unlike many blogs I follow. I have added you to my google reader so I can see when you have updates, I hope to see many more.
Oh and what is the name you decided on?
@ Sarah — thanks for the comment. I hope that alll is going well for you!
L and I have/had settled on a first name, but we’re still discussing the middle name. We’re pretty close to making a final choice, so I’ll post the name announcement soon (I promise) after the first of the year.