Finally, some pictures and news…
Yesterday, we had the 20 week “anatomy” ultrasound. It’s a fairly extensive, in-womb check-up, involving the measurement and examination of many different body parts. All in all, I found the experience fairly spectacular to witness. Although, sometimes, I still struggle to fully comprehend that it’s “real.” I’m not sure if that’s a function of infertility struggle or just simply the routine clueless-ness derived from having a penis.
In any case, the baby is doing just fine and right on schedule.
Here are some pictures…
The classic profile in womb:

The baby sucking on its thumb:

The downright amazing (and, might I add, highly cute) 4D face image:

Boy or girl?
This was a real challenge to determine. At first, L’s bladder was a bit too full—obstructed view. She went to pee. Back on the table and jelly-bellied once more, the baby stuck out its tongue (literally) and then crossed its legs. The technician tried poking L’s belly… wiggle, wiggle but still crossed legs. The technician had L recline on her side… still crossed legs. After 10 minutes or so, she gave up and said that we’d try again after the visit with the doctor.
So, we returned to the ultrasound room about 30 minutes later. The legs were still crossed. And, now the hands and umbilical cord were down there too! No luck.
Finally, the tenacious technician suggested a trans-vaginal approach because the baby’s bottom was close to L’s cervix. Insert probe. Look carefully (because of hands, and feet, and cord all in the way).
SCORE! No “frank and beans” present. We’re having a little girl!
5 responses so far
Those pictures are unbelievably beautiful and awesome! And a girl!!! How exciting! Does it feel any more real now? Somehow seeing a baby that really looks like a baby (though a very small one), and knowing it’s sex seem like such a huge turning point. Any names picked out yet?
Yeah, it does seem more real. Or, at least, like it’s time to start doing something about it. I spent a good deal of time with L yesterday morning talking about the design of the nursery. We’d talked about doing a gender-neutral room, but as a practical matter that’s not too easy unless you want to embrace a commericial theme (e.g., Disney or whatever). The non-commericial, non-gendered stuff seems kind of lackluster to me (as if the designers couldn’t find their creativity). In any case, I think we’ve figured out a plan that will be tasteful and appealing without (wildly anyway) breaking the budget.
So, now I have some lightweight DIY to do. I’ll be painting a stripped “wainscotting” and building a custom chair rail around the room. I’ll probably make some of the art for the room myself; although, we’re also talking about buying some fine art for the nursery as well (we’re “art people” — so, we sort of think it might be nice for a kid to grow up with “real” art on the wall) — we’ll see how that goes.
In any case, I now have activities…
As for a name — yeah, we’d settled on a unisex first name already. Now we’re just trying to finalize on a suitable middle name.
So, stay tuned for an announcement…
How beautiful!
I can’t believe that you’re at the halfway point–how awesome. This is chugging along!
I was 20 weeks YESTERDAY, I swear it, and my little ICSI pixie was born last Tuesday.
You won’t believe how much you can love one little seven pound person.
Congratulations on your little girl—best ultrasound pics ever!!!
I’ll be awaiting the name announcement with bated breath (or baited breath depending on your preference)!
And the DIY stuff, I am so very ready. Just occurred to me the other day that I’m not sure I’d be allowed participate in the painting when it’s time to put a nursery together. Such a bummer because I do love to paint (until about hour 4 and then I’m very much done with it). Also eagerly anticipating pics of the nursery when it’s done (no pressure)!
Julia —
Sorry for not responding sooner. I’m so happy for you! Congratulations on the birth!
How did it all go? How’s it going now? I’d love to hear details of what to expect. Everyone I’ve spoken to tell me that they’ve “read all the books” and then promptly say that “things don’t go according to the book.” Despite that, we’re reading all of the books (although I do get interesting looks from fellow passengers when people pass by me in my first class seat reading “What to Expect…” or “Baby Hearts” or whatever).
Myndi –
Yes, yes… I have news on the nursery and on the name front. I’ll try (I promise, I’ll really try) to post something this weekend.
I’m really a shamefully bad blogger. I’m happy that you both tolerate me!