Infant car seat installation… success!
Success! Finally! Yeah, me!
Here’s a video from Edmunds that I found most helpful:
We used a seat protector for each car (the Elite DuoMat by Kiddopatamus purchased from for about $30) and a single pool noodle (purchased at a local pool supply store for $3), which I cut to size with a knife. Both worked well and were great investments.
Here are some photos of our cars tricked out with Emerson’s seat:

This one doesn’t get a car seat:

3 responses so far
You tackled the carseat monster and won! You’d think it could be a little simpler, but nope. Congrats! And thanks for sharing the video. I hope to be referring to that sometime in the next year.
Good job!!! The car seat is pretty. Can you believe a baby is going to be in it before you know it????? I remember when we got our youngest in the car from the hospital. Smiles were pasted on our face. It was a completely surreal experience! It’s one of the greatest gifts God could give!
Great video! Installing a car seat can be tricky, this really helps show step by step the process. I have a Graco car seat as well, and found it a little difficult to install initially, too bad I didn’t see this video 2 years ago! There is also a great article about car seat safety I read at that I think is well worth the read. Thanks again for the video!