Nursery (Progress Report)
Last weekend, I started on the DIY projects in the soon-to-be nursery. Here’s photo of the work in progress:

I’ve now managed to get two coats of paint on the brown stripes. To make sure the coverage is even, I’ll be applying coat #3 and then re-masking for the pink stripe application. Once that’s completed, I’ll add the chair rail around the room (lumber already purchased).
2 responses so far
Are you having fun doing it? It’s so much work, and I always find I love projects like that the first few hours and then…not so much. The beauty of being the pregnant one is that I can’t paint so I’ll get to direct and not do.
Can’t wait to see the final product!
Honestly, it depends on the day.
This evening I finished coat #3 of the brown paint. I was then able to pull off all of the tape and feel a sense of accomplishment. Overall, yes, I do enjoy this sort of thing. I’ve done numerous built-ins, additional trim work, and the like since we moved into the new house in late 06 (I designed the house too… I always think I would have enjoyed being an architect). But, I also have a tendency to have projects drag on and on… as I’m usually busy with other things.
Of course, this time I have a countdown to remind me of a “due date” (literally).